

Case Studies Don’t Work for Sales

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Great customer insights are born out by watching customers use your offerings and during the product development and delivery process. Both give managers a solid, in-depth understanding of real-world user stories. Once product marketing gets involved, they collect those experiences and transform them into case studies – a time-tested classic output of B2B marketers. Even in a world of social media and brand publishing, the case study lives on, produced now in more formats (video, animation, paper and digital form) and across many more channels (twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube).

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Role-Playing without the Stress

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Although it may seem counter-intuitive, role-playing for sales reps can cause a stress-filled moment of panic. Sellers spend the bulk of each day performing – social situations where improvisational skills may be the difference between missing a quota or triggering a commission accelerator.

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Crowd-Sourced Selling Stories

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Sales reps know that nothing engages a buyer quite like a good story. The “Storytelling Enterprise” has been grabbing attention as a fresh approach to harness a company’s hard-won insights in the form of stories delivered directly to the sales team. It is a powerful way to scale what sales reps have always known – great stories move prospects to action.

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Upskilling the Middle

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The driving-force behind your B2B sales funnel is the new, savvy and hyper-informed buyer. Yep. They come to the table already loaded with questions and demands that challenge even the most skilled sales reps. According to Forrester Research, buyers are estimated to go through 70 to 90 percent of the buyer journey before engaging a sales rep, placing an enormous hurdle for reps to overcome and catch up – or to reset.

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