This is the first of a four post series on The Storytelling Enterprise. This series outlines the power and promise of capturing the organizations’ relevant selling stories for your sales team and – in a timely way – delivering them so they can be easily practiced and mastered.
‘Selling’ Stories Are Key to Good Selling
Companies hire salespeople to have influential conversations that compel prospects to consider — and ultimately buy – their offering.
When a good salesperson is having a conversation with a prospect, they are usually asking thoughtful questions, listening actively, and telling relevant stories. These “selling” stories are typically short (no longer than three minutes—think four to six bullet points) and are usually about the salesperson’s industry, company, customers, competitors, or offering. They are often told in response to a prospect’s question or objection (stated or implied).
Relevant Selling Stories Are Hard to Get
Typically, a rep’s stories come from their own experience or the experience of colleagues or other people in the industry. Unfortunately, it can take years for a salesperson to build a repertoire of stories that add any significant perspective to an executive-level prospect conversation.
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